
Just imagine you have a friend that is perfect. Not a yes friend, but a friend who always gave you what you needed. Imagine you have a friend that knows you so well that they could push your buttons just enough to get you moving in the right direction, even if it was to seemingly make a mistake you learn invaluable lessons from. After-all, sometimes experience is the only thing that can teach us. I know firsthand how hard it can be to find someone to work with when starting a something new. Just imagine if you had the perfect person. What would they say? What would they do? It can be difficult to answer those questions until you can imagine or understand a person so well that you can draw from their ideologies. After-all, two heads are better than one, especially when in sync to achieve a common purpose. It’s common knowledge and a timeless fact, almost a principle. But what I’ve learned is that we can make our own rules based on our own psychology. It’s been proven that we can be a product of our environment. It has also been proven that we can overcome our environment to be exceptional. There are many sayings derived from being a product of our environment. “Show me your friends and I’ll show you who you are.” “Birds of a feather flock together.” “If you want to be an A student, hang out with the A students.” “If you want to excel, find people better than you to work with.” All of these sayings are true but what happens if you just moved and have no friends or you’re the best at what you do, then what? I’ve been in that situation, not where I was the best but where I didn’t have anyone to work with. So, I prayed and imagined it. I imagined all the possibilities I could think of. I solved problems, got details that didn’t come to mind at first and asked critical questions that lead to a deeper understanding. I imagined Jesus Christ was my partner, along with two other partners. The Holy Spirit and God, the creator of everything. Now, I instantly had a team of four, including myself. The Creator, His Son and The Holy Spirit. Sound crazy? That’s ok.  I don’t do things in the conventional way. Napoleon Hill did the same thing.  He had round table discussions with Jesus Christ, Confucius, Abraham Lincoln and more. Napoleon eventually had over 50 people at his round table discussions. He understood his cabinet members well, just as we would understand a business partner or a close friend. It’s been said that we are the average of our five closest friends. Well, why not make one of them the Creator, the other His Son and the third the Holy Spirit. Anyone after that surely will not bring the average down much. Just imagine the possibilities. Imagine your perfect outcome and be bold enough to believe it as truth. Then let curiosity take over and wonder if it can really be so. Do some digging, do research. What’s the cost of buying that home, how many hours do you need to work to pay off that bill and how can those hours be reduced? What’s the cost to start your company or expand it. Who do you need to connect with for that venture? Write down the path you feel is necessary and know that it’s possible. Just imagine.